Monthly Archives: March 2012

Chris Gruetzemacher Ready to Go

Chris Gruetzemacher is in El Paso, Texas, getting ready to take on Frank Gomez in the WMMA on March 31. Gritz has been on a tear, winning 8 fights in a row, and is ready for the Jackson’s MMA fighter on Saturday.  Gritz is a Lab original, training there since the doors opened, and we are tremendously proud of the years of hard work that have gone into this opportunity.  Good luck on Saturday Gritz, it is your turn to step into that spotlight.

Chris Gruetzemacher

Last day of fight camp

Five Questions with the MMA Lab Elite

Some of the fighters at the MMA Lab took the time to answer some questions for us and the results are great.  Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, these guys are the best at what they do, and this video helps us get to know them just a little bit better.  Thanks to Ben Henderson, Efrain Escudero, Chris Gruetzemacher,  Yaotzin Meza and Kelley Oser for taking the time and sharing themselves with us.

Hope you guys enjoy the video!

New MMA Lab/JCBJJ Blue Belt

Tonight Geiner Rojas was awarded his blue belt! Geiner is a great guy and has worked very hard to achieve this milestone.  Congratulations Geiner, you deserve it!

Images from UFC 144 in Tokyo

We were going through our stuff the other day and figured out that we had not included a whole bunch of photos that were on the laptop! So here is a photo library of images from UFC 144 in Tokyo.

Some of these photos are ours, some are not, but we put them together to you all a feeling of our week in Japan. Hope you enjoy them!

(click on photo to go to album)

Video Diary from UFC 144

Well, we put together  a short video showing some of the stuff we did when we were in Japan.  It was an amazing trip, and winning the championship was incredible. We included some photos in the video that are not ours, but they are only meant to show our fans and friends the things we did while we were in Japan.  Hope you guys enjoy the video, we really appreciate all the love and support.

Thank you!!

New MMA Lab/JCBJJ Blue Belt

This morning Pathe Diop was awarded his blue belt! Pathe is a dedicated student and has been working for this for about 2 years.  We are very proud and honored to add his name to the blue belt roll call.  Congratulations Pathe!


JCBJJ Technique of the Month: March 2012

It’s been a little bit since we posted our technique of the month, but what a great way to get back into it!  Chris Zubrycki shows us a great half guard pass that he uses all the time.  Chris just won his weight division and the absolute  categories at the 7th annual AZ Open this past weekend and used this technique in his matches there.  Thank you Chris, for taking the time to show us one of your favorites.

Hope you all enjoy the technique!

Three New MMA Lab/JCBJJ Blue Belts

Three young deserving young men were awarded their blue belts this week at the MMA Lab. Corey Jones, Keith Hagen and Chris Vandermolen  all received their well deserved blue belts during class at the academy.  We are very proud of these guys, and very happy that they are an important part of our team.  Congratulations!!

Corey Jones

Keith Hagen

Chris Vandermolen

“Stormin” Bill Simmons: JCBJJ Featured Student of the Month, March 2012

Well, we have definately been slacking on the student of the month part of the site, but what a great way to get it picked back up again!

Meet Bill Simmons, 62 years young, and a student at the MMA Lab. Bill takes both kickboxing/Muay Thai classes and BJJ classes at the academy and is a role model for all of us who would like to make martial arts and fitness a life time endeavor.

Bill is one of the nicest guys you could ever meet, and our place is lucky to have him as part of the team.  Hope you enjoy his story!

JCBJJ Competition Team Shines

This weekend at the 7th Annual AZ Open, the JCBJJ Competition team had a great showing.  The kid’s team did a wonderful job and ended up in 2nd place.  The adults followed that with a 2nd place of their own, and scored more points than they ever have.  Though the placements were great, the best part of the weekend was seeing the team interacting with each other. Parents with their children, teammates coaching each other, and the overall bond of our team were the high points of the whole weekend.  We are very proud of the people that make up our team, and we feel very lucky to be part of their journey.

Thank you!

Click photo to go to album