Monthly Archives: March 2015

New Brown Belts at the MMA LAB

It is a great pleasure to announce the promotion of two guys that have been around the LAB since the very beginning; David Brady and Jonathan Hill. These guys have been an important part of what we have built  at the LAB, and we are very proud of their great work over the years.  


 Thank you guys, we could not have done it without you. Congratulations!

JCBJJ Technique of the Month: March 2015

Better late than never!  Here it is, the March version of our technique of the month.  Joe Murphy takes this one, showing us a cool entrance to a triangle from a very common position.  Joe has been at the LAB a little less than a year, but has made himself an invaluable asset in our LAB family.  From teaching kids and adults, to fixing anything in the building, Joe has made our team better, and we are so very happy that he is with us.  Thanks Joe, and we hope you all enjoy the technique!